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                  Contact & Membership

Low for Life Car Club Rules


Attendance at monthly meetings and club events, i.e. car shows, meets cruises, etc


Club Car must be original classic low riders with wire wheels and adjustable suspensions, i.e. Impala, Caprice, Cutlass, Regal, Monte Carlo, Cadillac, Lincoln, etc.We will consider Applications for customs on a case by case basis.


All members must purchase a club plaque, black Dickie's short sleeve button up shirt with club logo on front and back and a white short sleeve club t-shirt with logo on front and back


Club dues of $50.00 to be paid annually


Low for Life is a drug free car club, members are not to be involved in criminal activity


When displaying the club plaque you are not just representing yourself you are representing the whole club and must maintain the clubs good public image


All new applications for membership must pass a one year probation period, after this time there will be a majority rules vote by all official members to determine eligibility; during this time interested parties must show the club their dedication by attending events, shows, meetings, being positive and abiding by club rules


Any questions or concerns can be addressed to the club President

Dan Brown

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